Issue Position: Energy and The Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Climate change is a real and serious challenge for the commonwealth. One of the best ways to fight climate change is to switch to renewable energy as quickly as possible. It is vital that we invest in renewable energies, especially solar and off-shore wind. Investing in renewable energy not only decreases our impact on the environment, but the industries created to support these investments produce innovative jobs for the Massachusetts economy.

In order to further grow the solar industry, net metering must expand. Stability and predictability are key components in fostering more solar investments through net metering. The state has repeatedly hit the cap for how much net metering is allowed and we must create a system where the net metering cap is no longer a barrier to long-term investments in solar for people across the commonwealth.

As a lifelong animal lover, protecting the rights and proper treatment of animals is an issue I care about deeply. Throughout my career in the legislature, I have worked hard with my colleagues, the MSPCA, and the Humane Society to identify and advocate for animal protection priorities. I was the lead sponsor of the animal control law that better defined cruelty to animals that has been in effect since October 31, 2012.

Our district is mostly an urban district, yet we have significant environmental resources at our hands. The Mystic River has been a key focus of mine during my time in office, with efforts to clean up the river from its days as an industrial space to advocating for investment in parkland along the river. Recently, we learned that the river may soon be clear of invasive species of plants due to the investments I have advocated for along with my colleagues. We will also soon see the first steps on implementing the Mystic River Master Plan, a plan developed by community advocates in conjunction with local and state officials to make the Mystic River more accessible and enjoyable. In addition, we have extended the Somerville Community Path as an important oasis within the tight streets of Somerville.
