Issue Position: Empower Localities

Issue Position

To ensure the innovative governing system envisioned by the Founders, responsible local community leaders and officials are to be empowered. This principle is simple. No person spends money more responsibly than one who spends his own. Since the 2008 Great Recession, property taxes have been on the decline in Michigan, and although the State Government has been able to recover, local governments have been hardest hit. Policy-makers can revise the standards of statutory revenue sharing to give localities increased power of the purse. The folks who know their community best should be given the freedom to make decisions and spend tax dollars as they envision, while also being held accountable for their choices. Policy out of Lansing should first consider how to empower Active Citizens as the number one priority in any legislation.

After all, Michigan's Constitution states that law concerning counties, cities, townships, and villages shall be liberally construed in their favor.
