Issue Position: Roads

Issue Position

State taxes are high enough already! The government receives more than enough money to do the job it was tasked with under the Michigan Constitution. We do not need higher taxes, we need smarter spending! We should not be creating tax policies which takes money away from businesses only to give it back to other businesses we arbitrarily deem more deserving. Rather than take your hard-earned money away for the state to use on their favorite projects, the legislature best serves our economy and your budget when we leave your money in your hands. In 2000, the state budget was about 38 billion dollars. In 2014 the state's budget was 49 billion dollars - nearly a 30 percent increase. How many of us are making 30 percent more now than we did in 2000? With a 30 percent increase in revenues much of that money should be applied to our roads and infrastructure.
