Rep. Timmons Cosponsors his First Legislation

Press Release

Date: Jan. 28, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman William Timmons (SC-04) cosponsored his first bills in Congress last week, including legislation that requires Congress to balance the budget, defunds Planned Parenthood, supports Gold Star Families, strengthens our national defense, and promotes school choice.

"During the election, I promised to fight for the values of South Carolina's 4th District," said Timmons. "It's time to restore fiscal sanity in Washington, and that's why I joined my colleagues in support of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe the God-given right to life begins at conception, and taxpayers should not be responsible for funding Planned Parenthood's abortion industry."

Timmons recently cosponsored bills introduced in Congress, including:

Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (H.J.Res. 22)

Amends the Constitution so that spending cannot exceed revenue and prevents the debt limit from being raised unless three-fifths of Congress agrees. Congress can waive these rules when it has declared war or if the United States is engaged in a military conflict which causes an "imminent and serious threat to national security."

Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 369)

This legislation would place a one-year moratorium on all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which benefits from taxpayer money while performing and profiting from elective abortions. The legislation would further increase funding for community healthcare centers that focus on comprehensive care for women and their babies. Funds would once again be made available if the abortion giant and its affiliates focused on non-abortion health care services that are appropriate for taxpayers to support.

Military Surviving Spouses Equity Act (H.R. 553)

Eliminates an unfair burden on surviving spouses of service members who pass away during active duty or spouses of retirees who die of a service-connected cause. "We owe it to our Gold Star Families to do everything we can to support them. Joining the military isn't just a job for one person; it's a family commitment," said Timmons.

FTO Passport Revocation Act of 2019 (H.R. 145)

Ensures that anyone who has joined an organization designated by the State Department as a Foreign Terrorist Organization cannot get a U.S. passport or travel to the U.S. "It is important to take every step necessary to protect Americans against those that want to threaten our way of life," said Timmons.

Designating Jan. 20-26 as "National School Choice Week" (H.Res. 44)

"As a member of the Education & Labor Committee, I look forward to working with my colleagues to strengthen the education systems around the country and in South Carolina," said Timmons. "Recognizing school choice is an important part of strengthening those systems and ensuring that states and parents are the ones being empowered, not Washington."
