Enough is Enough

Floor Speech

Date: April 8, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, enough. Enough.

I finished my 16th, 17th, and 18th townhall this weekend, and everywhere I went across Kansas, my people told me, ``Enough of this.''

We have had enough of the Mueller investigation.

We have had enough on the tax return issues.

We have had enough Russia mania.

Mr. Speaker, it is time to move on; we have all had enough.

There are great things that we can move on to:

We can fix healthcare; we can secure our southern borders; we can overhaul our immigration system; we can come up with a nationwide infrastructure plan.

Mr. Speaker, this country is doing good. Our economy is strong, wages are up, unemployment is down, but we can go from good to great if you take this stranglehold off of this Congress and let us get back to work.

Mr. Speaker, I am embarrassed by the performance of the Congress this far.

We came from the most productive Congress, perhaps in history, to maybe the least productive.

I have only been here a short while, but I have learned that this little bubble we live in has a very finite amount of oxygen. And right now, politics is taking up all the oxygen.

Mr. Speaker, it is time to move from politics to policy. We have all had enough. It is time to move on.

