Be on the Right Side of History

Floor Speech

Date: April 9, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, basic healthcare coverage for 23 million everyday Americans and thousands of people in my district of the Virgin Islands is at risk of being undermined because our friends across the aisle fail to have the same urgency about these impending calamities.

Virgin Islanders are at a critical junction. We face a daunting and devastating Medicaid cliff on September 30, 2019, an absolute collapse in Medicaid.

Our Republican colleagues continue the work to dismantle healthcare for millions of Americans right now. They voted to eliminate protection for preexisting conditions and to strip their healthcare coverage.

Last weekend, the Trump administration escalated its attack on Americans' healthcare by supporting a Federal judge's ruling that the entire Affordable Care Act should be thrown out.

Today, I ask my Republican colleagues: What side will history find you on, protecting American families or the need to protect partisan interests?

A demonstration of this was the Republican-controlled Senate's failure last week to advance a disaster aid package that includes billions for American families still recovering from 2017 natural disasters.

Be on the right side of history.

