Issue Position: Stop Giveaways To Illegal Immigrants

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2019
Issues: Immigration

America is a nation of immigrants, but Mike absolutely opposes rewarding criminal behavior and putting the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of our own citizens. All of Mike's grandparents were immigrants who came to the United States to build a better life for themselves and their families. His maternal grandparents even persevered through Nazi concentration camps and eventually started a chicken farm in Buena.

As Senator, Mike will fight to roll back Murphy's far-left policies and restore the rule of law by:

*Overturning Governor Murphy's reckless Sanctuary State directive.

*Opposing giving legal drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.

*Opposing spending millions of dollars in tuition breaks and financial aid for illegal immigrant college students at the expense of our own citizens.

*Supporting the elimination of Governor Murphy's new department in state government that spends millions more on legal defense for illegals facing deportation.
