Merkley Introduces Legislation to Ensure Equal Representation for Every American: Would End Electoral College, Embrace Full Representation for D.C., Puerto Rico & Territories


Date: March 29, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley today announced the introduction of a package of bills to ensure that every American has equal representation within our democracy and equal voice in the direction of our government. Today's legislation proposes bold action toward full and equal representation, including a constitutional amendment to abolish the electoral college and the establishment of a commission to ensure that American citizens in D.C., Puerto Rico, and American territories have voting representation.

Combined with the For the People Act that Merkley introduced this week with Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM), this package of bills forms the full legislative version of the Blueprint for Democracy that Sen. Merkley put forward in January--a sweeping series of proposals to take on voter suppression, gerrymandering, dark money, and unequal representation in our democracy.

"The idea of democracy is simple and obvious even to young kids on a playground -- whoever gets the most votes should win. But way too often, that's not how our system of government is working. And we see the results all around us -- the privileged and powerful taking care of themselves while most people work longer hours for the same pay at best, while costs keep going up," Merkley said. "We need real, equal representation if we want a government that responds to the big issues impacting working families' lives, like health care, housing, education, living-wage jobs, and climate chaos. It's time to end the undemocratic electoral college, and to ensure a pathway to full voting representation for all American citizens, regardless of whether they live in Portland or Puerto Rico."
