Timmons To Vote No On H.R. 5, The So-Called "Equality Act."


Today, the House will vote on H.R. 5, the so-called "Equality Act." I believe that all people are equal and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their sexual orientation. That said, the bill we are going to vote on does not successfully achieve this goal. Instead, it is an attempt to level the playing field for some at the expense of the religious and First Amendment freedoms of others.

Under the proposed law, a private religious institution could be forced to hire individuals who may not adhere to the teachings of their faith or the institution's mission. Similar scenarios could play out at private small businesses and non-profits across the country.

We have seen this kind of government intrusion already happen at a bakery in Colorado and at Greenville's Miracle Hill Ministries. The Equality Act would further exacerbate this problem, represent a gross overreach by the federal government, and violate religious freedom protections enshrined in the Constitution.

I cannot support it as it is written.
