DelBene Applauds Passage of Cadillac Tax Repeal


Date: July 17, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Middle-Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019, which repeals the "Cadillac Tax," a 40% excise tax on the most expensive health care plans which came into existence under the Affordable Care Act.

"Everyday families worry far too much about the rising costs of health care. The Cadillac Tax will drive up out-of-pocket costs for nearly half of American workers in just a few short years. While the intended goal of the Cadillac tax was to put downward pressure on plan costs, the mechanics of the tax will simply put more of the costs on to working families in the form of higher deductibles and greater cost-sharing so employers can avoid the tax. Repealing the Cadillac Tax is a meaningful step toward lowering health costs for hardworking Americans," said Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA).

DelBene sits on the Ways and Means Committee and is a member of the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee which has jurisdiction over tax policy.
