Hoeven: WYCA's Grace Garden will help provide affordable housing for families


Date: Aug. 13, 2019
Location: West Fargo, ND

Senator John Hoeven today spoke at the grand opening of Grace Garden, a YWCA supported residence that will provide homes and supportive services for more than 75 women and children. The $7.1 million project was made possible with support from both public and private partners, including $672,500 in Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), a federal resource to encourage private investment in the development of affordable housing, and $325,549 from the National Housing Trust Fund.

As a member of the Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Committee, the senator has worked to ensure the Housing Trust Fund remains properly funded and has helped maintain support for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, which provides rent support to extremely low-income families and enables the project to remain affordable and accessible. These programs are funded at the federal level and administered through the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency and local housing authorities.

"Facilities like Grace Garden offer stability and safety, giving women facing poverty and homelessness an opportunity to build a secure future for themselves and their children," said Hoeven. "Moreover, this residence, which provides access to both permanent housing and supportive services, is a testament to what can be accomplished when partnering federal and state agencies, and then leveraging that public investment to secure support from the private sector. We appreciate the hard work of the YWCA staff and everyone involved in making this project a reality, and we will continue working to advance similar efforts to help ensure access to affordable housing and a higher quality of life throughout our state. "
