Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett expresses disappointment in the president's plan to divert funding from FEMA to pay for ICE indefinite detention of families and children


Date: Aug. 28, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett released the following statement on news that the President is diverting $271 million from FEMA to pay for a massive increase in ICE detention beds:

"News that the Administration will be diverting disaster relief funds during hurricane season is troubling. I have concerns about DHS's proposed end-run around laws passed by Congress that would drain millions from agencies tasked with protecting the homeland from security threats and natural disasters like hurricanes.

"Taking money away from FEMA in the middle of hurricane season could have deadly consequences -- especially since the Virgin Islands is presently bracing for the effects of Tropical Storm Dorian. The President must be president of all Americans including the Virgin Islands. Congress should work to undo the damage this Administration is continually doing to our homeland security infrastructure and to FEMA."
