Wyden Statement on Caucus Cybersecurity


Date: Aug. 30, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued the following statement today on new cybersecurity recommendations for state party caucuses.

"One of the biggest lessons from 2016 is that election officials and parties must make cybersecurity a key consideration for every decision in our elections process. The DNC is doing the right thing by insisting on strong security measures for voters who caucus at home. Intelligence officials have made clear that foreign governments will exploit insecure technology to interfere in our democracy, which is why I've proposed legislation to secure our election systems, and to help protect state parties against cyberattacks," Wyden said.

"Expanding caucus participation is a worthy goal, however phone and internet-based caucusing is simply too vulnerable to attack by foreign hackers. Other options, like handmarked, ranked-choice paper ballots for absentee caucus-goers would also increase turnout while providing strong protections against hacking."
