Issue Position: Safeguarding Retirement and Civil Service

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2019

The Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) provides a secure retirement for state, county, and city employees, including teachers, law enforcement officers, and fire fighters. These employees contribute to the retirement plan every pay period.

David believes we must protect the integrity of our retirement system and honor the commitments we have made. This promise includes protecting the cost-of-living adjustments that are needed. David opposes the idea, backed by some, to shift our stable retirement system to a 401K style system that ties benefits to risky investment decisions and the ups and downs of the stock market.

David strongly supports the civil service protections of the State Personnel Board. Public employees should not be subject to partisan politics. Senator Blount has been an outspoken leader for state workers and against the return of the "spoils system" in state government. He is a longtime member of the MASE-CWA (Mississippi Alliance of State Employees) Local 3570.
