Issue Position: Justice System

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2019

In Louisiana, access to justice is a critical issue. Well funded special interests spend money and time trying to convince voters that the people of Louisiana are both more criminal and more litigious than their peers in other states. That's how they justify what are often self-interested efforts to reduce accountability for some industries, and how they explained Louisiana's recent long time status as number one incarcerator in the country.

"I simply don't believe our people are more immoral than people anywhere else in the world, and you won't convince me of it. As your state representative, I'll support common sense policies that promote fairness for our people and businesses."
-- Dr. Belinda Davis
Dr. Davis is passionate about policies that will continue to improve Louisiana's civil and criminal justice systems and is committed to legislative action that will:

1. Continue the criminal justice reforms of 2016-2017 which have saved millions while making Louisianas safer through data-driven policies that have reduced recidivism
2. Provide an opportunity for those injured in Lousiana to be made whole and promote policies that incentivize Louisiana consumer behaviors that reduce insurance rates
3. Respond to concerns about the professional ethics of public officials throughout the judicial branch of government
