Issue Position: Civil Rights: Delivering on Diversity, Tolerance and Solidarity

Issue Position

Civil Rights: Delivering on Diversity, Tolerance and Solidarity
Alfonso has been a leader in efforts to promote tolerance, compassion and protect the civil rights of others as inherent American values.
Alfonso will always fight to protect a woman's right to choose, defend the civil rights of all Virginians and promote the value of collective bargaining in the workplace.
Prior to being elected to the House of Delegates, Alfonso worked diligently to fight off efforts in the General Assembly to pass a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage in Virginia. He has been a champion of LGBTQ rights in the House.
Raised by parents who walked the road of social justice advocacy, Alfonso had a role in drafting the first In-State Tuition briefing paper presented to Governor Mark Warner.
He has been recognized by his colleagues as the champion defending Latinos, immigrants, and New Americans from ugly and divisive attacks over his time in the General Assembly.
Alfonso has consistently fought for legislation to codify employment non-discrimination and allow local governments to have non-discrimination policies for their employees.
He is proud to have maintained a 100% rating with Equality Virginia, NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, and the Virginia A.F.L.-C.I.O.
