As Senate Re-Convenes, Shaheen Insists on Oversight & Action on Further COVID-19 Response Legislation


Date: May 5, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement as the United States Senate re-convenes this week and prepares to once again conduct in-person voting and committee hearings:

"As the Senate re-convenes, there is no more important priority than for Congress to continue to work across the aisle to help Granite Staters and all Americans who are hurting," said Shaheen. "There also needs to be stringent oversight of relief programs which is why I've called for Trump administration officials to testify, particularly to address why relief funding has been prioritized for corporations and well-connected businesses, rather than small businesses that are hurting. Unfortunately, rather than leading on COVID-19 response efforts, Mitch McConnell is prioritizing less urgent issues as well as continuing to ram through the nominations of unqualified right-wing judges. There are tremendous needs in our communities which is why partisan agendas must be set aside and Congress needs to deliver assistance through further legislation. No time should be wasted."

Senator Shaheen has called for funding to be provided to municipal governments that are struggling to provide services as revenues plummet. She's also called for infrastructure to be prioritized to create new jobs and support the economy. She continues to insist on funding for social service non-profits, telehealth, the postal service and food assistance, among many other urgent needs.
