Congressman Anthony Brown: "The Military Defends Our Rights as Americans - Including the Right to Protest. The President's Announcement is an Outrage."


Date: June 2, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

House Armed Services Vice Chair and 30-year Army veteran, Congressman Anthony G. Brown released the following statement in response to President Donald Trump's threat to militarize America:

"Our communities are not "battlespaces.' This is not war. President Trump's threats, escalations and orders of violence against lawfully assembled Americans is an outrage. His invocation of our military to put down dissent, empty threat or not, is unacceptable. Men and women put on the uniform to defend our communities, our neighbors and our rights as Americans - including the right to protest. They stand up to tyrants and terrorists. It's clear that President Trump wants soldiers to turn on our fellow countrymen. We cannot allow him to divide us."

"We must listen to the pain of our fellow Americans, support their right to speak out and protest and act to deliver the social justice and progress they demand and deserve. Time after time, when given the opportunity to meet the moment, to soothe the pain of the American people, this president has failed. His actions, his conspiracies, his tweets, his threats - paint a clear picture of an unfit Commander in Chief who daily tarnishes the presidency, this country and the reputation of our military."
