Issue Position: National Security

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Our top priority needs to be the protection and safety of our nation. We are facing threats at home and abroad. ISIS is a real threat to the United States; it is not the JV team Obama says it is. We must do everything we can to protect our nation and prevent a major attack on U.S. soil. Recent attacks in Europe highlight how important it is to thoroughly vet refugees until a system is put in place to make absolutely certain there are no terrorists slipping through the cracks and entering our nation.

Our enemies abroad have taken advantage of Obama's weaknesses. I opposed the nuclear deal with Iran from day one. It is irresponsible to allow a nation that chants "Death to America" and calls for the destruction of our ally Israel to conduct nuclear research. That is why I have voted against this deal. We need to reverse the Iran nuclear deal before they get their hands on a nuclear weapon.
