Issue Position: Prescription Drugs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Congressman Connolly knows that we are facing a dual crisis of prescription drugs: an opioid abuse epidemic ravaging our country and constant increases in the cost of legitimately prescribed medicine.

Congressman Connolly has addressed issues of opioid addiction within his community by having a round table discussion with community leaders and constituents about the epidemic. He introduced the Opioid Immediate Suspension Order Act which was geared towards helping the Department of Justice respond to the growing crisis, allowing them to investigate and suspend distributor's license if there were suspicious findings. Connolly advocated for Medicaid expansion, which would bring in an additional $100 million to help the fight against addiction, and another $200 million which would support mental health treatment and initiatives on the road to recovery. Congressman Connolly will not turn his back on those who need support out of addiction.

At the same time, Americans who have legitimately prescribed drugs have faced constant increases in costs. Many of our low-income individuals and senior citizens find the cost of their prescriptions increasing. Expanding Medicaid is a good first step for Virginia, but much more has to be done to ensure all Americans have access to the affordable prescription drugs they need to survive. On the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Congressman Connolly has supported investigations into pharmaceutical company price gouging, including the ridiculous 500% increases on the cost of EpiPens in 2016 and the $750 per pill crimes of Martin Shkreli. Through oversight, reform, and competition, prescription drug prices will become more affordable.
