Providing for Congressional Disapproval of Rule Submitted By Department of Education Relating to ``Borrower Defense Institutional Accountability''--veto Message From the President of the United States

Floor Speech


Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this measure to override the President's veto and to stand up for our Nation's 20 million college students.

Secretary DeVos' rule would harm tens of thousands of college students and would allow bad actors to continue some of the worst practices, such as forcing students to sign pre-arbitration agreements that limit their rights. We cannot allow predatory institutions to steal the dream of a college degree from any child.

It is shameful that in his veto message, President Trump used historically Black colleges and universities, HBCUs, as cover for his pro-fraud, anti-student agenda.

Now, let's be clear. No HBCU has ever been implicated in a borrower defense claim, and no HBCU has voiced support for Secretary DeVos' rule. That is fake news.

It is time that President Trump and Secretary DeVos began standing up for North Carolinians seeking opportunity instead of lying down to our Nation's worst institutions. And if they won't do it, Congress will.

It is a fundamental right. Du Bois told us: ``Of all of the civil rights for which the world has struggled and fought . . . the right to learn is . . . the most fundamental.''

Ms. FOXX of North Carolina.

