Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

As your senator, I will fight every day to make North Carolina a land of opportunity where our citizens can live up to the fullest of their God-given talents.

I know that private business create jobs-not the government. I will support efforts to help businesses hire employees. Many taxes and regulations are burdens on businesses, and therefore, the economy.

As a small businessman myself, I know small business is the engine that drives our economy. I will fight for the good jobs we have and work to foster an environment that adds more jobs to the district.

As a lifelong supporter of community colleges, I will fight to make sure those schools have the resources they need to provide the training to our citizens that they need to compete in the global economy. I also support jobs training in our public school systems.

Nothing hurts our economy more than an obstructive government that taxes too much. Every dollar taken from our paychecks is one less dollar that we can spend on things we need, save for the future or invest. Excessive taxation comes from failing to manage governmental spending. I will fight every day to end wasteful spending.

I understand that many of my fellow citizens are truly struggling during this economy. I will not rest until I make sure people have the resources they need to get through these difficult times and live up to their fullest potential.
