Issue Position: Holding Government Accountable

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

2020 Promise: Illinois has seen enough career politicians. It is time for a State Representative who will be a public servant--supporting term limits, redistricting reform, and holding government accountable. Everyone that has a pension already should keep it (pensions are a promise), but we need to look at how we are funding pensions for the next working generation.

"With more years in office, entrenched politicians cozy up to special interests, accumulate more power and lose touch with their constituents. Term limits is a step toward busting up the Chicago and Springfield political machines. We need to restore the true meaning of public service. Public officials should go to Springfield with only one thing on their mind -- service.

Democrats and Republicans across Illinois agree Springfield politicians should enact term-limits. The General Assembly should pass a term-limits resolution to allow voters to weigh in on the issue. Tim is an ardent believer in term limits and allowed voters to make their voices heard on the matter.

I will term-limit myself as state representative to six years (3 Terms). Serving our community should be a temporary public service, not a career."

"Elections should not be preordained. Voters should have a choice when they show up to the polls. Unfortunately, our current system allows politicians to draw the lines and select the constituents they "represent" in Springfield. Partisan consideration in legislative map-drawing disenfranchises many Illinoisans from electing someone who shares their values and maximizes House Speaker Mike Madigan's power over state government.

That's wrong. I wholeheartedly believe voters should pick their politicians, not the politicians picking their voters. We must remove politicians from the map-drawing process."
