Issue Position: Public Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

As a former school board member and a parent whose children went to public schools, I believe it is one of our most important responsibilities as legislators to adequately fund and educate our public school system in Texas. I will always fight for our public schools. This past legislative session I proudly supported House Bill 3, a landmark piece of school finance reform legislation that will truly transform public education in Texas. Under this bill, every single school district in Texas will receive an increase in per student funding from the state. Additionally, teachers, librarians, nurses, and counselors will all receive an increase in total compensation with the ability to earn additional bonuses. Our state resources are precious, but so are our students and those who educate them, and I proudly supported this increase in funding.
During my tenure as a Trustee on the Lake Travis ISD School Board, my conservative approach helped the district cut unnecessary costs and provide a high-quality education, and led to my gubernatorial appointment to the State Board of Educator Certification. Once on the Board it was the educators who elected me as their vice chair. I will continue to use the same conservative approach in my fight to ensure that our kids receive the best possible public education.
