Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

The cost of living in Colorado is 12% higher than the national average. To combat rising economic insecurity, we need to ensure that opportunities for good paying jobs continue to grow, and that full time workers are able to make a livable wage that can support a family.

Unions are under attack now more than they ever have been since the 1930s. It's vitally important that we protect and expand a worker's right to unionize. Unions built the middle class in this country, and the only way the middle class will survive is if we stand up for collective bargaining rights.

Small businesses employ a growing number of people in our district, and as a small business owner myself, I understand the challenges we face. I will work with my constituents in building legislation that creates an economy that works for all of us.

Our economy is changing every day, and we need to make sure our schools are better equipping students to go into the world with the skills required in the 21st century workforce.
