Rep. Norman Issues Statement on SC Gov. McMaster's SAFE Grants


Date: July 23, 2020
Location: Rock Hill, SC
Issues: K-12 Education

On Thursday, U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman issued the following statement in response to the Safe Access to Flexible Education ("SAFE") grants announced by SC Governor Henry McMaster:

"I am grateful that Gov. McMaster chose to allocate some of the Governor's Emergency Education Relief funds for needs-based tuition grants for private education, and hope the lawsuit filed this week to stop his efforts will quickly be resolved in the Governor's favor.

"I have always believed that parents know what's in the best interest of their children. When it comes to K-12 education, many families in South Carolina's 5th Congressional District have found an excellent fit in the public schools for which they are zoned. However, there are other families who sincerely need different options for their child, yet cannot afford tuition at non-public schools. S.A.F.E. Grants will help provide those families with choices as they simply seek what every parent wants: the best learning environment for their child."
