Letter to Alex M. Azar, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Jerome M. Adams, Surgeon General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Johnson, Gianforte Demand HHS Strip Convicted Pedophile of Government Pension


Date: July 24, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Secretary Azar and Surgeon General Adams,

We write to you today regarding the government pension of convicted pedophile and former Indian Health Service (IHS) pediatrician Stanley Patrick Weber. Despite Mr. Weber's guilty conviction, his pension from the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC) reportedly continues.

Over the past few years, the American public has been shocked and horrified to learn about the appalling crimes against children perpetrated by Stanley Patrick Weber during his lengthy tenure at IHS. Despite multiple concerns and allegations throughout his tenure at IHS hospitals in Montana and South Dakota, IHS and the Public Health Service (PHS) allowed Mr. Weber to continue treating young Native American boys. These children were often disadvantaged, and Mr. Weber actions were a despicable abuse of authority and control. Thankfully, Mr. Weber has finally been put where he belongs: behind bars.

Unfortunately, according to an article by PBS Frontline, as of Wednesday, July 22nd, Mr. Weber continues to receive his pension from the PHS, which is estimated to be worth approximately $100,000 a year. Furthermore, more than a year ago, the PHSCC stated that it would convene a board of inquiry to review whether to strip Mr. Weber of his pension. A spokeswoman for the agency recently declined to say if the board has met.

By allowing Mr. Weber to continue to collect his pension, the PHSCC has not held him fully responsible for his actions. We urge that the agency to convene the board of inquiry and take quick action to revoke Mr. Weber's government pension.

