Statement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on the Nineteenth Anniversary of 9/11


Date: Sept. 11, 2020
Location: Albany, NY

"On a sunny, cloudless Tuesday morning nineteen years ago, New York, the nation and the world were changed forever. We will never forget the nearly three thousand lives lost during the September 11th terrorist attacks.

"We will never forget that a day marked by unfathomable loss was met with equal courage. Selfless heroes ran into hell without hesitation, and led tens of thousands to safety. Our brave first responders have our enduring respect and gratitude.

"The pain and suffering continue for too many, who, in the aftermath of these attacks still battle 9/11-related illnesses. We stand with these heroes and in the fight to ensure they receive every bit of the funding and care they need and deserve.

"In the midst of the COVID crisis, today is an especially poignant moment to commemorate and reflect on bravery and selflessness. Once again, our country is facing an unprecedented challenge. And once again, New Yorkers are responding with the same loving, caring and united spirit that has always defined us in our best days and our darkest days alike.

"New York will build back stronger, and we will never cease to be the globe's beacon of freedom, opportunity, and democracy."
