Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, Annie is focused on reforming our healthcare system to improve access to affordable, quality health care. She is fighting to stabilize the health insurance marketplace and bring down the cost of health insurance for all Americans. Kuster was one of the first Members of Congress to propose a comprehensive plan to fix and improve the Affordable Care Act. She knows the ACA is not perfect, which is why she is working to improve the law. And she's willing to work with members of both parties to propose common sense solutions to bring down healthcare costs. She sponsored the bill to fix the "family glitch" and make family health coverage more affordable, and cosponsored legislation to expand tax credits so small businesses can more easily afford to provide health care for their employees. She also successfully pushed to ensure that drugs that help combat breast cancer will be covered by health insurance providers.

Recently, the House passed Annie's legislation to ensure protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions and push back against the Trump Administration's efforts to promote junk health plans.

Annie opposes efforts to completely throw out the health care reform law, which would increase pharmaceutical costs for seniors and reinstate discrimination against women and patients with preexisting conditions, and she is committed to fixing remaining problems with the law and increasing competition.

She also believes we need to lower prescription drug prices by changing the law to let Medicare negotiate for lower drug prices.
