Issue Position: Campaign Finance Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Corporations should no longer be allowed to divert hundreds of thousands of dollars of their profits into candidates who will legislate on their behalf. We need leaders who are actually beholden to their constituents, instead of large industries and interest groups.

My opponent, Representative Clay, has taken thousands of dollars from investment firms, insurance companies, banks, pharmaceutical and agricultural corporations. This cycle alone, Rep. Clay has already accepted large donations from Blackstone, Allstate, Bank of America, and AT&T. It is clear that these companies see an ally in Rep. Clay, and we must demand that our leadership denounce the influence of money in our politics. It is important to talk the talk and walk the walk--which is why our campaign is 100% grassroots, funded by the people and for the people.

As your Congresswoman, I will:
Support a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.

Support public financing of elections.

Publicly pledge to refuse all corporate lobby money and corporate PAC money.
