Issue Position: Issues

Issue Position

As your State Representative, Cyndi Stevenson continues to fight for issues important to her District and all of Florida. She has been a champion for:

-Protecting Florida's waters and natural resources.
-Strengthening and diversifying our economy.
-Improved funding for St. Johns County's top ranked schools.
-Investments to help us catch up with needed behavioral health and social services.
-Improved Investment in Road Capacity as well as Safety for all Road Users.
-Focused on measures to improve access to quality healthcare and enabling market forces and transparency to hold down costs.
-Reading and financial literacy.
-Keeping Florida's College and University tuition affordable for Floridians and expanding Scholarships.
-Expanding career training opportunities beginning in our high schools and continuing with investments in our workforce preparation through Career Source.
-Cyndi supports and will continue to defend innocent life and our second amendment rights.
