Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

What specific actions have you taken to support public education in Hawai'i?
Over the past 5 years I have introduced legislation to address the student weighted formula
for our rural schools.
I have also introduced legislation and secured funding for athletics/athletic travel for Hana,
Molokai and Lanai schools.
I also have made sure that the infrastructure needs of District 13 schools are address by
securing CIP funding for each schools needs.
As a member of the LHE committee the last 2 years I have had a front seat view and first
look at the types of education policies that are being recommended. It has given me a
better understanding of education needs and the demands on teachers When there is
something I need more information about or want to know how it will affect our school sites
and classrooms I call the principals and teachers in my district to check with them and get their opinions.
During the COVID-19 Crisis, I made sure to check in with each school site to make sure
things were running as smoothly as possible and to make sure the resources for students
and teachers were accessible.
