Issue Position: Government

Issue Position

Rail: As the Honolulu Rail System is built, new leadership must ensure that money is spent prudently, and with no adverse impact on our way of life.

Correctional System: The criminalization of poverty and the state's contracting with private prisons must end. The state has tentative plans to replace the jail with a $500 Million grant to a private prison corporation in Halawa, despite the Department of Public Safety and ACLU noting that approximately half the inmates at OCCC are safe to the community, but simply cannot afford their bail. Any replacement of the 16 acre OCCC site must include community input and a dedication to the dignity of those who work in facilities, the incarcerated, and community safety advocates; and state contracts must be held to a heightened standard of accountability and review.

Roads and Infrastructure: Throughout the district, roads are in disrepair and flood often. Children are in danger going to and from school. Kalihi Stream has flooded in recent years, and Halawa Stream is in danger of flooding. Improvements are long overdue. Infrastructure must meet the standards of the 21st century and public safety.
