Issue Position: Climate Justice

Issue Position

Climate change is real. I will work to ensure that Minnesota moves towards 100% renewable energy and meets and maintains high standards to conserve our environmental assets, including the Mississippi River. I will be a voice to ensure that environmental protection changes are made in partnership with low-income communities and communities of color. Such communities have traditionally borne the brunt of the impact of environmental waste. Any solutions our legislature develops must ensure that these communities have a voice and that their needs are met.

​A healthy community is one where people are eating food that nourishes them, have clean water and air, and live in environments that do not make them sick. Often environmental issues are seen as a luxury even for communities that have been most affected by pollution. It can be hard to care about the climate crisis if you are losing your home, don't have a job, or are in the hospital. During a global pandemic people are rightly focused on these necessities. Yet, these issues intersect with climate justice. My goal for our district is to create healthy and sustainable environments in which residents live in hazard-free, non-toxic zones and students are educated in environmentally safe buildings.
