Issue Position: Government Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Since his early days in the New York State Assembly, Chuck Lavine has been a proponent of government reform. He has played a vital role as a member and chair of the Ethics and Guidance Committee, introducing systemic reforms to the form and function of the New York State Assembly. These changes banned lobbyists from sitting next to Assembly members on the Chamber floor during vote. They also required Assembly men and women to be in their seats to vote on every bill and to attend their assigned committee meetings. These changes have led to more sincere consideration of bills introduced in the various Assembly committees and, thereby, more responsible policymaking.

When Chuck entered the Assembly in 2005, New York had gone 20 consecutive years without passing a state budget on time. To fulfill his campaign promise to pass the first on-time state budget since 1985, Chuck helped to lead the Assembly to deliver on-time budgets from 2005 to 2009.

In his time as Chair of the Ethics and Guidance Committee, Chuck made a point of pursuing those in office who commit acts of sexual harassment. Chuck has tracked down multiple offenders, one of whom was a very powerful member of the Assembly. Regardless of stature, Chuck has held all members of the Assembly to the same expectations and has routinely recommended the fullest possible punishments and fines for offenders of sexual harassment.
