Issue Position: Invest in Public Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: K-12 Education

As a graduate of the Pawtucket public schools and a former member of the School Committee, I am a strong advocate for our public schools.
I support the first step in a large plan to fix our crumbling schools - this year's $250M bond. Our students can't learn and our teachers can't teach in buildings that make them sick or that don't meet basic standards -- clean, safe and dry. Many schools lack basics -- such as electrical outlets, science labs, and access to computers and tablets.
We need to support our teachers. Specifically, we need to invest more resources in training the next generation of English Language Learner (ELL) teachers to ensure that all of our students can learn English and succeed. Teachers also need more supplies. Too many classrooms lack updated books, modern technology and supplies of paper.
I will fight for our state to increase education funding for ELL students and for Pawtucket.
