Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

Government does not create jobs, the private sector does. Derek's job as your State Representative is to reduce overbearing government mandates and heavy-handed regulation. He promoted District 90 as a place where businesses could thrive and new businesses can start. Jobs in the coal mines need protection while also creating economic diversification by bringing new types of jobs to the region. Derek will contribute to job creation and workforce development in the following ways:

Supporting legislation to maintain coal jobs and fight against EPA restrictions.
Finding new funding sources for local government and related programs (fire departments, law enforcement, libraries, etc).
Working hand-in-hand with EKCEP and other community organizations to host job fairs, educate the public about new opportunities, and bring new businesses into the region.
Reaching out to companies across the US about potentially relocating to our region.
Assisting our communities to develop new trades and placing more emphasis on trade schools. These jobs are in high demand and command a great salary. Studies have shown trade school jobs will be in high demand in the future.
Cooperating with Trail Towns and other outdoor organizations to promote tourism by capitalizing on what we already have such as fishing, elk hunting, ATV trails, and horseback riding.
Using my own business background to work on programs that can support small-business owners with training to form a company, run a business, handle taxes, and increase profit.
Making District 90 more accessible and attractive to companies through infrastructure projects. This includes critical infrastructure such as repairing and improving our roads and bridges, as well as our technology infrastructure.
Expanding fiber-optic internet will be vital to bring new work opportunities from around the world to District 90 jobseekers.
"The best social program is a job." Ronald Reagan
