Letter to The Honorable Lindsey Graham, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary & The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary - Daines Urges Senate Judiciary Committee to Investigate Social Media Companies Following Allegations of Election Interference


Date: Oct. 20, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

I first want to thank you and the Committee's work to ensure a free and fair election
process. The 2020 election will have far reaching consequences and ensuring that that there is no
illegal interference has been, and should continue to be, a top priority of the Committee. That is
why it is troubling to see online social media companies, such as Twitter and Facebook, limiting
access to certain news, journalism and voices just days before the election. I strongly encourage
the Committee to exercise its constitutional right and duty to oversee these actions to ensure that
all existing rules, regulations and standards are being followed.
Recent events have brought forward a troubling pattern where social media companies
have failed to follow industry standards, failed to follow their own rules, or have changed their
rules to justify previous actions. This pattern has overwhelmingly led to the removal of content
or users favoring one candidate over another. Specifically, I have heard from many Montanans
demanding more transparency and further scrutiny into the suspension of official campaign
accounts for President Trump or limiting the distribution of recent articles pertaining to
allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden. This raises serious questions of illegal
coordination or election interference. With so much information pertinent to the upcoming
election flowing through these companies, it is of paramount importance that online companies
are held to the same laws and accountability as the rest of the nation.
Our country was founded on a principle that the law is applied to all people blindly and
equally. This applies to major social media companies as much as it does to a local advocacy
group or organization. Therefore, any actions that appear to interfere with the 2020 election
should be investigated and if illegal activity is discovered, those responsible should be held
accountable. I encourage you to continue your bipartisan efforts on election interference and
further investigate recent allegations of interference and coordination by major social media
companies to ensure that the upcoming election is free and fair.
