Issue Position: Transperency

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Sean Tarwater believes that an informed community makes the best decisions and is vital to a democracy's success. By bringing transparency to Topeka, our representatives will no longer be able to say one thing and do another. We need our representatives to be accountable to their constituents. In order to get unpopular agenda items through, the Topeka politicians bundle bills together. By bundling, they force representatives to vote for bills their constituents would otherwise not want. Bundling bills together may also cause representatives to overlook an agenda item that their constituents need.

Representative John Rubin from the 18th district believes in transparency just as Sean Tarwater does and has been fighting to make Topeka more transparent. Representative Rubin championed the "Rubin Rules" that require the following: Record all votes, bundle no bills, no midnight sessions, and live streaming of committee meetings. John was able to get the live streaming but was met with stiff opposition from his colleges. Some legislators would rather you not know what is going on in Topeka. When you elect Sean Tarwater he will continue Representative Rubin's fight for transparency in Topeka.
