Issue Positions: Issues

Issue Position

Increase support, funding, and implementation of restorative justice programs
Advocate for law enforcement reform that promotes non-violent intervention, culturally competent practices, and community engagement/oversight
Help Vermont continue to lead the nation in drug policy reform and to improve access to treatment
Work towards a single payer healthcare system that provides a robust, accessible, holistic, and comprehensive continuum of care
Support children by promoting an innovative, integrated public education and childcare system that is fully and sustainably funded
Push for a livable wage of at least $15/hour and paid family leave, protect working conditions, and defend workers' rights
Promote the development of affordable housing so all Vermonters can have a place to call home
Protect our natural resources, push for sustainable energy, and promote divestment from fossil fuels to address climate change
Build a zero-waste economy that balances sustainable economic development with environmental protection and preservation
Create a public banking system that invests state revenue into the local economy
Develop a fair and progressive tax system that supports the greater good
Reform campaign finance, explore term limits, increase transparency of government, and encourage greater public engagement and participation in policy making.
