Senate Confirms Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

Press Release

Date: Oct. 26, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Judicial Branch

Tonight, the U.S. Senate confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by a vote of 52-48.

Barrett is the 220th federal judge nominated by President Trump for a lifetime appointment and confirmed by the Republican Senate majority.

In a floor speech before the vote, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said:

"I was honored to be the Chairman of the Committee that reported out Judge Barrett to the floor of the Senate. And I will be honored to cast my vote to put her on the Supreme Court -- exactly where she deserves to be."

"So to the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader, this is a tough place to be around. This too shall pass. But this is about Judge Barrett. This is about her time, her moment. She's done everything you would expect of her. She's exceeded every challenge put in her way. She's impressed everybody she's worked with. She has impressed the country. She's going on to the Court because that's where she deserves to be."

"For the young, conservative women out there who are pro-life and embrace [their] faith, there's a seat at the table for you. This is historic. This nomination is different. This is a breakthrough for young, conservative women."
