Representative Leger Fernandez Sworn into Office


Today, U.S. Representative Teresa Leger Fernandez was sworn in as a Member of the United States House of Representatives by the House Speaker. Rep. Leger Fernandez released the following statement after taking the oath of office:

"Standing on the House floor, in the People's House, the responsibility of service became real as I took the oath of office to represent the people of New Mexico's 3rd district," said Leger Fernandez. "Standing in that space, you feel both the significance of our history and the promise of our future. To create a future where our communities and families can thrive, we must first deal with the many challenges our Nation faces -- and I will do so from a place of love for our Nation, democracy, and beloved community."

The Honorable Teresa Leger Fernandez was elected to serve as representative of New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District. Representative Teresa Leger Fernandez was added to the rolls of the House upon executing the oath of office.
