Letter to the Hon. Joe Biden, President-elect of the United States - Hirono Encourages President-Elect Biden to Appoint Julie Su as Secretary of Labor


Date: Dec. 11, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

In a letter to President-Elect Joe Biden, Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii) expressed her "strong support" for California Labor and Workforce Development Agency Secretary Julie Su to serve as the next Secretary of the Department of Labor.

"I am strongly supporting Julie Su for the position of Secretary of Labor and I hope you will nominate her. She is highly qualified and well respected and her dedication to protecting worker and civil rights has spanned decades and earned her a reputation as an expert and a highly effective leader. She would be a great asset to your administration as you work to rebuild our nation's economy with fair and just labor policies," Senator Hirono said.

Senator Hirono continued: "Julie Su represents the best of what this country can be. As the daughter of Chinese immigrants, she would bring her life experiences and professional expertise to bear on the immense issues facing our nation's workers and their employers. Her clear record of achievement, innovation, and leadership would be a significant advantage to your Department of Labor. Julie Su would be an invaluable addition to your cabinet."

A copy of the letter can be downloaded here. The full text of the letter is below:

Dear President-Elect Biden:

I know you have heard from the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community that they are increasingly concerned there will be insufficient AAPI representation at the cabinet level. I am strongly supporting Julie Su for the position of Secretary of Labor and I hope you will nominate her. She is highly qualified and well respected and her dedication to protecting worker and civil rights has spanned decades and earned her a reputation as an expert and a highly effective leader. She would be a great asset to your administration as you work to rebuild our nation's economy with fair and just labor policies. Your nomination of Julie Su will help to deliver on your commitment to nominate a cabinet that reflects America's diversity.

Julie Su represents the best of what this country can be. As the daughter of Chinese immigrants, she would bring her life experiences and professional expertise to bear on the immense issues facing our nation's workers and their employers. Her clear record of achievement, innovation, and leadership would be a significant advantage to your Department of Labor. Julie Su would be an invaluable addition to your cabinet.

As Secretary of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, Julie Su oversees the labor department of our most populous state. She has navigated her department through the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing issues from unemployment insurance to the unanimous approval of an emergency temporary standard to protect workers and the workplace. As the California Labor Commissioner she reinvigorated the enforcement of state labor laws with record-setting results. Her government experience has prepared her to hit the ground running on day one of your administration, able to work with employers and employees alike, to help steer our nation through the impacts of the pandemic and beyond.

Prior to her government service, Julie Su had already established a record of fighting for worker and civil rights. Although she worked for a non-profit focused on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, she worked to protect all vulnerable workers, bringing landmark lawsuits and helping to improve policies protecting immigrants and victims. Throughout her professional life, Julie Su has worked tirelessly to help people and communities who may not otherwise have access to justice. Her dedication has earned her awards and recognition as a trailblazer and an influential leader.

Thank you for your consideration.


Mazie K. Hirono

United States Senator
