Press Release

Date: Jan. 28, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) released the following statement applauding the Biden-Harris Executive Order on Immigration, which aligns with her efforts to advance immigration reform.
On his first day in office, President Biden issued five immigration-related executive orders.

These efforts include:
* Bolstering the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program(DACA)
* Calling on Congress to enact legislation providing permanent status and pathways to citizenship.
* Revoking the Trump administration's plan to exclude non-citizens from the Census count.
* Overturns a Trump executive order that pushed aggressive efforts to find and deport unauthorized immigrants.
* Ends the Muslim & Africa Travel bans and directs the State Department to restart visa processing for individuals from the affected countries and to develop ways to address the harm caused to those who were prevented from coming to the United States because of the ban.
* And halts constructed the border wall with Mexico and orders the national emergency declaration's immediate termination that allowed the redirection of billions of dollars to the wall.
"I am proud that we now have an Administration who understands the critical importance of comprehensive immigration reform. As the daughter of Jamaican immigrants, I have championed this issue throughout my political career," said Clarke.

Clarke has been a champion of several immigration reform measures such as:

Co-leading the landmark legislation, The Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 6). This legislation, which passed the House last Congress, and would give millions of DREAMers, TPS (temporary protected status) holders, and DED (deferred enforcement departure) recipients a pathway to citizenship
Introducing legislation to Investigate the Treatment of Migrant Families and Children By the Trump Administration.
Co-leading an effort to repeal the public charge rule, which made countless immigrants afraid to access health care amid COVID-19
Sending letters to stand up for TPS holders and DED recipients, including those facing termination of status under the Trump Administration.
Introducing the TPS for Victims of Hurricane Dorian Act to provide relief to the storm's Bahamian victims.
Chairing the Congressional Black Caucus Immigration Task Force and leading a trip to the Southern border to investigate the Trump Administration's attacks on the asylum system
Introducing the ICE Body Camera Act which would require Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to wear body cameras during field operations and removal proceedings.
Introducing legislation and amendments that prohibit using appropriations to promulgate or enforce any executive order that compels state, city, or local officials to assist federal authorities in removing aliens from the United States.
Leading efforts to combat the Trump Administration's xenophobic Africa Travel Ban and lead a letter demanding its immediate repeal.
"As the daughter of Jamaican immigrants, I understand the need for comprehensive immigration reform. Our immigration system is broken. As a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, I have seen the glaring inequities and civil rights violations, and I will not relent until our immigration system reflects a modern and equitable approach to this issue," said Clarke.

Congresswoman Clarke continues to champion immigration reform in the 117th Congress. She is co-leading the U.S. Citizenship Act, an immigration overhaul with the Biden-Harris Administration, and five other members of Congress, including Rep. Linda Sanchez -- who have championed Immigration reform, aptly named the "Closers" -- to prioritize a path to citizenship for the millions of immigrants in this country, treats our undocumented population humanely, reconnects separated families, and works to mitigate the many of the causes of migration.
Congresswoman Clarke is also co-leading an effort with Congresswoman Primila Jayapal and the Congressional Progressive Caucus to introduce the Road Map to Freedom Resolution promoting citizenship, protecting and strengthening a fair process centered on family unity, promoting and preserving diversity, and establishing a just, humane immigration system.

"Reversing the policies of the last four years is not enough," said Clarke. "We must reimagine the immigration system in a manner that is humane, just, and fair. The time has come for the values of our nation to be reflected in our immigration policies."
