Reed Statement on President Biden's Inauguration


Date: Jan. 20, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today issued the following statement after President Joseph R. Biden was sworn into office as the 46th President of the United States:

"This was a historic day and an unprecedented inauguration. The strength, resiliency, and diversity of the nation was on display. President Biden gave a masterful, heartfelt speech.

"COVID-19 protocols and security restrictions kept us apart, Joe Biden's words brought us together.

"Just two weeks after a violent attack on our democracy, Congress stood together, on that very spot, to affirm our shared democratic values and the results of a free and fair election. To celebrate the peaceful transition of power to a new President and our nation's first female and first Black Vice President. It was another welcome step toward repairing the breach and erosion of trust that the previous president inflicted upon our democracy, judicial system, and the executive branch of government. It was a powerful reminder to the free world that America's democratic institutions are strong and our nation stands together as one.

"Four years ago, I sat on that platform as Donald Trump spoke of "American carnage" and today, Joe Biden used that same pulpit to make a healing call for unity and empathy, and pledged to extend opportunity to all and be a president for every American.

"President Biden delivered a powerful message of hope, resilience, and a return to core American values.

"Joe Biden is an open book who wears his heart on his sleeve. Nothing in life was promised to Joe or handed to him. He is a blue collar guy who has overcome the odds and great tragedy. He always bounces back. And he will lead our country back to where it should be -- to a brighter, stronger, more just future.

"President Biden and Vice President Harris made history today, but they didn't make the day all about themselves. It's about us. Today was about reaffirming that "We The People" and our shared values and core principles are what makes this nation truly great.

"President Biden didn't promise easy fixes, but pledged to work hard, work together, and honor the Constitution. He noted disagreement need not lead to disunion and political destruction. Instead, he pledged to be a President for all Americans, whether they voted for him or not.

"Through shared sacrifice, we will overcome adversity and pandemic, and emerge a stronger nation.

"Joe Biden talked about rising to meet the moment, and his speech achieved that aim. Now we must go forth to repeat that feat, not just rhetorically, but with sustained action, each and every day.

"Let us carry forward that spirit of hope and humility to uplift each other, our communities, and the nation."
