Ruppersberger Issues Statement Following Vote to Increase Covid-19 Stimulus Checks to $2000

Press Release

Date: Dec. 29, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine

Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives last evening passed legislation boosting COVID-19 stimulus checks authorized in a previous relief package from $600 to $2000:

"Last night's bipartisan vote, if upheld in the Senate, will help sustain our economy as we continue to claw our way through this worsening pandemic. It puts money into the pockets of struggling Americans and builds on the relief package signed into law by President Trump Sunday night.

Calls to "offset' economic stimulus efforts by reducing annual expenditures like direct foreign aid, which were passed in routine appropriations bills simultaneously last week, are misguided. These are mostly funds that President Trump requested in his annual budget and fall within spending parameters adopted by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. In fact, Democrats had to convince the White House to commit to spending at least an equal amount on domestic programs here at home -- at the height of a pandemic -- as we do on defense funds primarily utilized overseas. If Congress does not pass our annual spending bills, the government shuts down. The President knows this, which is why he ultimately signed the bill.

In addition to direct aid to Americans, we need to invest in recovery efforts like keeping Americans in their homes, keeping small businesses open and distributing the vaccines as fairly and quickly as we can. I look forward to supporting any legislation to that end, including desperately-needed relief to our state and local governments, which are on the frontlines of this pandemic."
