Letter to Honorable Tami Perriello, Acting Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration - Luetkemeyer Co-Leads Letter Urging SBA to Prevent Misuse of PPP Funds


Keyword Search: Relief

Dear Acting Administrator Perriello,

In March 2020, Congress passed, and the President signed into law the CARES act, which provided relief for American as COVID-19 spread across the nation. This legislation included the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to provide small businesses and their employees financial relief. PPP has been critical to thousands of businesses and thousands of Americans' jobs whose financial well-being was at risk under governement-mandated lockdowns and reduction in business due to the spread of COVID-19. We commend the Small Business Administration (SBA) for administering PPP and helping AMerican businesses in need.

However, we write to express concern about Planned Parenthood Federation of American )PPFA_ and other abortion providers' access to PPP funds. These organizations applied for and received about $80 million in funding meant for small and struggling businesses. However, due to the SBA's rules on affiliations and size of the business receiving the loans, PPFA, and other abortion providers were not eligible to receive PPP funds. The SBA and U.S. Treasury Department have asked these organization to return the funds, but to date, no funds have been returned.

The SBA reopened the PPP for first and second draw loan applications in January 2021. At least $25 billion will be used for second draw applications. We urge the SBA to ensure that these loans are reserved for our nation's most vulnerable small businesses.

In the interest of protecting American businesses and American tax dollars, we write to ask what the SBA will do to get PPP funds back from PPFA and other abortion providers and what measures the SBA is taking to deny PPP funding to these ineligible businesses. We look forward to your response.

