Letter to Honorable Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Palazzo & Colleagues Concerned About Biden's Approach to Border Security


Dear Secretary Mayorkas:

We write to express our concern at the recent Executive Orders signed by President Biden regarding immigration and border security. These Executive Orders, as well as recent actions taken by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), will weaken the integrity of our immigration system and encourage aliens to make the dangerous journey to our southern border and attempt to enter the United States illegally.

The decision to halt construction of the border wall system, the attempt to suspend deportations, and the decision to suspend enrolling aliens in the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) all send a message to aliens that the Biden Administration is not serious about border security or enforcing our immigration laws. These actions, coupled with Democrats' repeated talk of amnesty, will be a magnet for illegal immigration and will encourage aliens to place their safety in the hands of criminal organizations to try and reach the United States. This is not good for the aliens or the United States.

We urge you to resist the calls of the open borders advocates and to continue to enforce the immigration laws passed by Congress, resume construction of the border wall system, and continue MPP and the Asylum Cooperative Agreements. We hope that as you examine the policies that were enacted by the Trump Administration in an impartial manner you will come to realize the wisdom behind the policies and will work to refine them when necessary instead of rescinding them and returning to policies of open borders and catch and release.

We look forward to working with you to protect our nation and maintain the integrity of our immigration system.

