Vargas Applauds House Passage of American Rescue Plan


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Rep. Vargas (CA-51) released the following statement after the House passage of the American Rescue Plan. President Biden's comprehensive legislative package will deliver immediate relief to working individuals and support communities struggling with the economic fallout.

"Over Tens of millions of Americans have been infected. Earlier this week, we surpassed a horrific half-million deaths due to COVID-19. Additionally, our nation is experiencing an accelerating economic downturn. The American People need a bold plan to help them get back on their feet. We must ensure that every possible resource is dedicated to combating the public health and economic impact of COVID-19.

"I applaud the House for passing the American Rescue Plan which will provide households across America with a direct payment of $1,400 per person. The plan will also provide our communities with housing and nutrition assistance, expand access to safe and reliable child care and affordable health care, and extend unemployment insurance to millions of Americans. Additionally, the plan makes nearly $130 billion available to State Education Departments so they can work with public health experts and local districts to open schools safely and make up for lost learning time.

"I am also very proud that two of my provisions were included in President Biden's American Rescue Plan. My first provision will provide $10 billion in additional appropriations for the Defense Production Act--to fund testing, personal protective equipment, and vaccine production to combat COVID-19. My second provision will appropriate a total of $750 million towards tribal nations' affordable housing and self-determined housing activities, Native Hawaiian housing, and community development for all tribal nations.

"The American Rescue Plan will ensure that federal relief reaches underserved communities and businesses of all types and sizes. I will continue my work in Congress to ensure Americans' health, safety, and economic security remain a top priority. I'm hopeful that the Democratic Senate will pass this bold legislative package and help communities in dire need."
