Students Must Get Back to the Classroom

Floor Speech

Date: March 9, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid


Mr. LaHOOD. Mr. Speaker, as the father of three school-age boys, the health and well-being of children and school kids across America is one of my top priorities.

As we continue to navigate the COVID pandemic, I have heard repeatedly from parents across the 18th District of Illinois about getting our kids back in the classroom and back on the athletic field.

Throughout this pandemic, we have heard from experts and now President Joe Biden about the importance of trusting the science. When it comes to schools, the science is clear: Students and teachers can go back to in-person learning safely. The CDC is also clear on this. Risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the classroom is extremely low.

Getting back in the classroom won't just help our kids achieve their academic goals, it will also help with their mental and physical health, areas that many students have struggled with during this pandemic.

Hospitals across the country have seen increases in child suicide attempts and mental health admissions. Nothing is zero risk, but the consequences of keeping our children out of the classroom far outweigh the risk.

Our kids are suffering mentally and academically. The science is clear. Let's put our children first and get students back in the classroom as soon as possible.

